Top 10 Must-Have Features for Your Call Centre Software in 2023

call centre software

Discover the vital features your call center software needs in 2023 to deliver exceptional customer service and increase productivity. Explore the top 10 functionalities, from IVR and call recording to CRM integrations and call center analytics, that will empower your team to succeed.

Uncapped VoIP is Here! Brought to you by Switch Telecom.

Uncapped VoIP isn’t the next best thing; it should be the norm when it comes to the VoIP solution you choose. Switch Telecom has now launched VoIP packages that allow for unlimited calling to South African local, national and mobile calls

ISPA: Now for the Nuts and Bolts of Non-Geographic Number Porting

ISPA Number Porting

Many corporates, SMEs, NGOs and others with 0800, 086 and 087 phone numbers are no doubt looking forward to being able to move their usually heavily-advertised contact numbers to more innovative providers from 7 March without losing those valuable digits. After 16 years of the partial implementation of number portability, this is the date from […]

[2022] Get Ready to Port Your 087 VoIP, 0800, 0860, 0861 and 0862 Numbers

Port your 087 VoIP number with

The long wait is finally over! Get ready to port your 087 VoIP and non-geographic numbers such as SmartAccess 086 and FreeCall 0800 numbers as of 07 March 2022. In a General Notice issued by the local regulator, ICASA on the 15th of December 2021, ICASA Chairperson Dr Keabetswe Modimoeng proclaimed that the Number Portability […]

Euphoria Telecom announces Microsoft Teams integration

Local VoIP, cloud-hosted business telephony solution provider Euphoria Telecom has added Microsoft Teams integration to its platform. Available to all Euphoria customers from today, Euphoria CEO John Woollam says the move is in line with the company’s drive to make communication seamless for its customers, on the Euphoria platform and with other technologies people use […]

Euphoria Telecom: How to warm up those cold calls in the era of POPIA

How to ensure that cold calling remains the lifeblood of call centres and sales and marketing teams  The Protection of Personal Information Act (POPIA) has set down firm frameworks that companies have to abide by to avoid fines, criminal persecution and potential reputation loss.  Breaching the rules and regulations outlined by this Act can have […]

Euphoria Telecom: 5 Ways POPIA will affect outbound contact centres

On 1 July, the grace period for compliance with the Protection of Personal Information Act (POPIA) will come to an end. That means organisations found to be in breach of the act will be liable for fines and even criminal persecution. Given the long lead up to POPIA’s implementation, most organisations should be compliant by […]

Unified communications market up significantly so far in 2021

The unified communications (UC) market has continued to steam ahead in 2021, with an analysis of the first few months of 2021 indicating that demand is remaining firm. An analysis of the demand for UC across Europe in the first few months of the year found that sales through distribution were up by 60% year […]