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3CX: Time to Test the New Android App Beta

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Posted on July 3rd, 2020 by Valeriu Craciun, Software Developer

Calling on our Beta Testers! We’ve updated our 3CX Android App to the latest Chat API, and added many improvements and fixes. So take it for a spin and let us know what you think!

Want to get first-hand experience on exciting new features? You too can join our Beta testing team and help us improve our 3CX Android App. To start testing, make sure your Android device runs on Android 7+ and your PBX is on the latest v16 Update 5.

Supporting Latest Chat API

By updating the Android App with the latest Chat API we are now better equipped to support live chat features, as well as improving flexibility and speed.

  • Increased speed of rendering and sending of chats.
  • Added support for Blocking of WebVisitors, Block of Sessions and End Chat session.
  • Improved take ownership and transferring of live chat when agents are in queue.
  • Enhanced the way photos are sent via chat (both instant snap and send, as well as photos attached from gallery)

New Install Wizard

install wizard update

We’ve simplified the wizard, making it simpler for users to follow the steps to install the 3CX Android App by scanning their QR code.

Other Additions and Improvements

  • Added ability to call a number from the search main dial pad
  • Added grouping of bridges which show BridgeNameBridgeGroupName
  • Added an option in settings to show unregistered extensions.
  • Improved performance – not all Extensions and System Extensions download on startup.
  • Icons in chats now use Android OS icons.

How to Try it

Join the 3CX Beta Program and download the new Android Beta App through Google Play Store.

View the change log and give us your feedback via the dedicated community forum.

Sourced from: 3CX. View the original article.


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