What are virtual call centers?
Virtual call centers have much in common with their traditional counterparts, with one key difference; employees are spread out across a number of geographic locations. The agents use a cloud call center solution to connect, which combines all their communications tools into one, centralised platform, meaning they can work easily from wherever they are.
Who can take advantage of a virtual solution?
If we’ve learnt anything from the ongoing covid-9 pandemic, it’s that mass virtualized or remote working is a viable workplace alternative for most office based workers. Whether your client operates a large call center conducting telemarketing or is a small organisation offering phone support and sales, 3CX’s cloud contact center solution will not only reduce their communications costs, but their total overheads as well.
How does it benefit my clients?
Switching to a virtual call center benefits employers and agents alike. Talk to your clients about the impact making the switch can have on:
Less staff in the office equals lower expenses, less rent and surprisingly less employee absences too. Numerous studies have found that remote workers take less sick leave and holiday than their office based counterparts, which helps to boost your clients’ bottom line.
Employee Well-being
Working from home has been proven to lower stress and produces a happier workforce. This has a knock on effect throughout the organisation and helps to create a positive, productive working environment. Virtualized working has also been linked to lower staff turnover. A staggering 76% of US workers said they’d be more likely to stay with their current employer if they had the option to work remotely.
Customer Experience
If your client operates internationally or needs to provide 24/7 support to customers they need to have agents on their phone round the clock. Not only is constant availability being required from B2C customers, but also B2B customers expect to reach customer support lines when they need to. With a virtual call center solution, you can easily make that happen. A hosted, cloud call center solution lets your work from anywhere in the world so you can offer support in a variety of time zones.
What does 3CX offer?
3CX PRO and Enterprise Licenses include a complete call center module, which enables agents to work remotely from day 1. With just one simple, browser based webclient for all their needs, agents can quickly set up using just their extension number and password- no need for complicated VPNs and portal logins. Unlike many of our competitors, we don’t charge additional activation fees or subscription costs for remote agent access so they’ll boost their savings too!
If you want to discover more about our call center module and how you can create a virtual call center solution for your clients, check out our latest webinar.
Sourced from: 3CX. View the original article.
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